How to support my student
PFAA , as all academies at Natomas Charter School, is built on the understanding that the Student, the Family, and the School all work together to ensure the student's success.
PFAA STUDENT AND FAMILY HANDBOOK 2024-25: View the student and family handbook here.
SAFE AND HEALTHY TREATS POLICY: Safe and Healthy Treats Policy
6th graders will receive supplies at orientation, and families can get more details here.
Here are ways that parents and guardians can support their student at school throughout the year:
1- Communicate with the school (teachers, staff, and administrators) regarding your student's attendance, behavior, academics, or any concerns you have, as quickly as possible.
-Are you unsure who to contact? See below!

-Stay connected at PFAA by reading your weekly parent announcements. These announcements are emailed out every Friday night at 6:00 pm. Please check your Spam and Trash folders, and then contact Mrs. Vasquez, if you are not receiving the emails.
-Please report your student's attendance through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. No other means of reporting attendance will be accepted. If you have any issues with the Portal, please contact Mrs. Vasquez.
-In the spirit of collaboration, please maintain polite and respectful communication with NCS/PFAA staff. Please seek to get the teachers' perspective and clear any miscommunication that might have occurred between your student and the teacher.
-If your student has an IEP, please always include their case manager in your communication.
2- Academics:
-Support a regular homework routine: create a dedicated space away from distractions and set aside time every day to check Schoology together to identify any late assignment left to turn in, upcoming tests, or long-term projects for your student to work on regularly.
-Remind your student to use W.I.N. ("What I Need") sessions, available every week Wednesdays through Fridays, to ask more questions, get help, work with peers, retake tests, etc.
-Our upperclassmen who are part of the National Honor Society offer 2 tutoring opportunities every week: 1 WIN time with Mrs. Trinkle for Middle Schoolers, and every Wednesday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm, in G3 (Mrs. Trinkle's classroom), open to middle and high schoolers.
-Almost all PFAA classrooms have ChromeBook carts, so students do not need to bring any personal devices to school. Cell phones will be expected to be off and away during the school day. If a device is needed while your student is on Independent Study or any other unexpected circumstance, please fill out a Technology Device Request (please note: only families who need to borrow a computer should complete the form. There is a limited amount of Chromebooks available for at home use).
3- Social-Emotional Health and Behavior:
-Maintain healthy routines at home: access to food, bedtime routine (not going to sleep too late, sleeping enough), and keeping an eye on screen time (especially social media). If access to food is an issue, please find some support here.
-Communicate with teachers if an event at home might impact your student at school (death in the family, accident, divorce, etc.); and communicate with administrators if your student reports any bullying at school.
-If you are concerned for your student's social-emotional health, please contact Care Solace. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential coordination service that can help you quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options in our community matched to your needs regardless of circumstance. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider, call 888-515-0595 available 24/7/365 in any language, or visit and either search on your own OR click "Book Appointment" for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.